Author Topic: "I dont want"  (Read 2867 times)

Offline coguaro

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"I dont want"
« on: Mar 05, 2006, 02:50 PM »
That's what Jack say when he don't want to eat beans again.
I think that in this phrase we found the big difference between Ennis and Jack character. I  mean that Ennis intention stoically is to continue to eat what remains after bear encounter (beans) while Jack want to change his situation. That's represents Jack attitude to didn't renounce to what he desires, to what life cans force; Ennis, on the contrary, is slave of surrounding world...
I think also when Ennis raise his  perplexed eyes when Jack says that Aguirre couldn't force them to do things against rules: Jack wanna be free to do what he think is just, Ennis cant reacts...


I swear... I will never mistake again...

Offline dalemidex

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Re: "I dont want"
« Reply #1 on: Mar 05, 2006, 03:33 PM »
One of the many things that makes this movie so good is that the characters are consistently true to themselves. This is just another example.   Thanks!